Letter to Rosie,
Rosie, Thank You from All Out Lesbians
Rosie, Thank You from All Out Lesbians

We are Women who care about the World. We care about innocents dying in disturbing way for uncertain reasons. You Rosie, a Lesbian, A “Systems Buster” have put it ALL ON NATIONAL TELEVISION. You have brought the VIEWS to the Public to Really Pick a Side, no more fence riding. Rosie you have awakened a sleeping giant and gave a jump start to the heart of America. We Thank You, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know the path you embarked on with Speaking your Truth, and I know that negative energy will be constantly sent your way. Surround yourself with white light Rosie, you are in our prayers.
Your words of Truth, things for People to Consider, making people examine the facts and shaking up the foundation of the followers who stand a million people back in line and never know who it is they are really following. Rosie, I honor you and hope you will have fun this summer with your family. Your Truth is Right ON !!
Walk Proud and know that Zillions of Us out HERE. SUPPORT YOU !!!!
Lesbians, send Rosie Love and Light, her position is one that will get a lot of energy thrown at her. Our prayers, our thoughts, our positive energy her way will help her to cast off the negativity being thrown at her. There is a powerful energy that would like to “Shut Her Up”. Rosie inspires me to honor my VOICE, with tearful grace I say thank you so much Rosie, I am even prouder to be a Lesbian and want you to know what YOU truly mean to all of us. You are the dynamite that has blown open the path for the rest of us to follow. It is not easy speaking your truth, and it is not something that we are often appreciate for. We at OutLesbian.com appreciate you and encourage you to keep your voice free, We are Listening.
Your words of Truth, things for People to Consider, making people examine the facts and shaking up the foundation of the followers who stand a million people back in line and never know who it is they are really following. Rosie, I honor you and hope you will have fun this summer with your family. Your Truth is Right ON !!
Walk Proud and know that Zillions of Us out HERE. SUPPORT YOU !!!!
Lesbians, send Rosie Love and Light, her position is one that will get a lot of energy thrown at her. Our prayers, our thoughts, our positive energy her way will help her to cast off the negativity being thrown at her. There is a powerful energy that would like to “Shut Her Up”. Rosie inspires me to honor my VOICE, with tearful grace I say thank you so much Rosie, I am even prouder to be a Lesbian and want you to know what YOU truly mean to all of us. You are the dynamite that has blown open the path for the rest of us to follow. It is not easy speaking your truth, and it is not something that we are often appreciate for. We at OutLesbian.com appreciate you and encourage you to keep your voice free, We are Listening.
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