FBI agent Astrid Farnsworth, is played by the adorable Jasika Nicole, whom you may recognize from her role in Take the Lead with Antonio Banderas. Nicole, a theater, voice, and dance major, relished the jump into the supernatural. “I think that we as actors are as excited to get the scripts as people are to watch the show to see what happens. Usually when you start a project you have a pretty good idea of who your character is and how they fit into the story, but each episode I get a little more information about who I am. It’s an ongoing practice in character development,” she says.
For Nicole, who lives in Brooklyn with her partner of more than three years, being in the closet was never an option: “I came out about 3½ years ago. When I went on my first date with a woman, it was so exciting that I wanted to share it more than anything because it was such a big deal to me,” she recalls. So isn’t prime time ready for an out lesbian detective already? “You’re absolutely right. Who knows? We’ll need to see how that all plays out. I definitely want Astrid’s personal life to show up a little more, she told Out.com."
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