Coming Out - Queen Latifah

IS actress and singer Queen Latifah coming out of the closet?

I, for one REALLY hope so. She is a strong and talented woman and is an asset to our community. If it is her than Awesome.

The story says, "WHICH big Hollywood actress is about to come out of the closet? She's been living with her girlfriend in a small town, where all the neighbors know, and the two are now engaged to be married." We WILL wait and See.

Is it almost 2008 and ....

I cannot believe that even in New York this can happen.
2 Arrests in Anti-Gay Beating of 'Top Chef' Contestant Josie Smith-Malave
Police say two women have been arrested in an anti-gay attack on a former "Top Chef" reality show contestant and her friends in Sea Cliff, on Long Island.
Nassau County police announced the arrests a day after victim Josie Smith-Malave's attorney said she had filed a complaint accusing investigators of not pursuing the case energetically enough. Police said at the time that an arrest had recently been made and another was imminent.
Click Here for More.

Thoughts of a Rural Lesbian

Thoughts of a Rural Lesbian

I just feel that a small town holds you into being what they think you should. And even if you are, say a lesbian, anyway despite the gossip and the negative glances. You still may not dress how you REALLY want or have your hair as radical as you may like. A life of mediocrity, I guess you would call it. Where your dreams are in your head, your passion is secretly kept to your bed, and well, your appearance is status quo with no real direction.

Breaking Out of this MOLD, no matter how unfulfilling it may be, is for most simply an impossible and unbearable feat.

It simply is harder than it sounds, for me to Really carry ME beyond my room and out into their version of me. I can go among them, I can take the constant disapproval, with this I can stay positive, however, I find it almost impossible to radically be me on all levels I know myself to be, when just walking into a room, still in this day and age, makes the rooms mindless – idle chatter come to a halt.

And why, I ask, what is such a big deal that the local drunk – the town slut – the adulterine businessmen, the bank teller, and all the townies with secret lives must quit eating their breakfast in a crowded cafĂ© and look at me and my partner with a quietness and a stillness that really is unmatched. Once, a waitress took such incredible note of the obvious reaction that she, herself apologized.

I am kind of tired of hiding parts of me, though I am OUT, without a doubt. Not even a mouse, does not know I am a lesbian in my small town. However, is that enough? If I cannot be me, the writer in me cannot burst forth, my healing abilities are closeted, and I wear my hair in a way they will understand. Even though that is impossible

All because being a lesbian, well that’s about all they can take for now, as a community and being a lesbian is a very small part of who I am.

I want to be a Good Strong Lesbian, and empower lesbians everywhere. I want to walk through their version of me and walk my path, unafraid of their eyes and their blather. I want you to be proud of you, and if I stand tall than, somehow it is winning one or taking one for the team, per say.

If I can take the chatter, the stares, the negativity shot from the eyes of sinners, and the constant inner disapproval that I can feel – even if I ignore – than maybe I am making the world a better place for all lesbians.

Lately, I wonder if me simply walking a half baked version of my truth to gain approval of some sort from those who are not even looking, is enough for me to call a life?

What if I did not live here, what if their eyes could not see me and I got them all out of my head? What if their disapproval was not even noticed and I laughed everyday, somewhere else without caring what they thought of me? Could I really do that? Could I really get them all out of my head, off of my bed, and out of my sight?

Though I know that no matter where I am, someone will have some kind of problem with what I may say or do, how I walk or dress, or who I seem to be. And someone will sling the negativity mud ball.

However, there is NOTHING quite like the ties that are wrapped around you in a small town where everybody thinks that they had some part in raising you and expect you to be a product of society that they can relate to, however impossible that may be, and somehow be proud of, even if they never tell you.

The ties are so tightly wound, that even when you move away, the town, the glances, the disapproval tries to live on in your head.

One wonders what would happen if I truly did give up their version of me and truly did walk into the person I think of as me when I look into the mirror in my mind.
My guess is in that place of mind, that place where they don’t have a clue what I do with my days or my nights, that I would than be my perfect weight, my heart would not be heavy on a daily basis for reasons I cannot quite make out, I would not be nervous at who I might see and what asinine thing they may say.

I don’t want to seem weak, I am not weak. And I do enjoy seeing the faces I have known for years. I mostly enjoy spreading cheer, and light and letting people know how great they are and who they can be. I like seeing some of the people I have known my whole life, however, it does not out weigh the binds I place on myself to live in a daily “sameness” forever awaiting an event that never happens.

Though I convinced myself it was the mountains I loved, the drama of humans has kept me off the trails and away from the high country lakes that I love so. And in this I ask is living in the mountains, enough to truly experience them in the way I see myself interacting in my minds eye?

I feel I live a life separate from myself. I have different blog accounts for my different levels of acceptance and almost to 2008 now and still being really OUT, seems impossible.

What if I let myself physical live in the mystical magical place in my mind and find that cabin that soothes my soul, spend my mornings with my lover in non-assuming embrace, and went for a kayak ride before the morning coffee looking into her eyes know that WE DID IT, we walked right through the fire they lit, and we walked right out of the mold they laid for us, and we truly became an us without anybodies version of who we should be left to keep us from truly experiencing joy and bliss.
And than in the afternoon, while walking under the large aromatic trees we would feel laughter, we would walk without burden and we would let go – truly let go – of what anyone ever needed us to be to make their life more comfortable. You and I, my lover, would laugh all day, a deep hardy laughing knowing that we Truly did Break the Mold.

Jennifer Beals Interview

Jennifer Beals Interview

Jennifer Beals Video

Gay and Lesbian Tolerance March

Lesbian News
Gay and Lesbian Tolerance March in Poland

Check Out our Sister Site at

Lesbian Consumer Trends Report

Lesbian Consumer Trends

September 26, 2007 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Groundbreaking New Survey Describes Lesbian Consumer Habits in the USA
DUBLIN, Ireland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets ( ) has announced the addition of USA Lesbian Consumer Index Report 2007-08 to their offering.
An unprecedented 25,000 participants, split almost evenly between gay men and lesbians, have completed the CMI Gay & Lesbian Consumer Index survey, resulting in the most comprehensive and truly representative LGBT market research in the world. The USA Gay Consumer Index™and the USA Lesbian Consumer Index™include ground-breaking quantitative data and deep insights on demographics, psychographics, purchase behavior and motivations, and social and political perspectives.
In the 34-day period from Friday, April 13, 2007 to Wednesday, May 16, 2007, 12,044 men and 10,380 women who self-identify themselves as gay or lesbian and reside in the United States completed this survey. The goal of this study was to survey self-identified “out” lesbian and gay consumers, who interact with gay and lesbian print or internet media, regarding their purchasing habits and motivators. With sample sizes of over 10,000, the margin of error is plus or minus 1% at a 95% confidence interval.
Because this study encompassed such a wide variety of media and other partners, covering virtually every geographic area of the USA, the findings contained in this report present the first truly representative profile of lesbian and gay male consumers in history. Analysis of the geographical distribution of respondents closely matches the distribution of gays and lesbians in the United States as found in 2000 US Census and other CMI research comparisons.
The methodology employed polls consumers representing the target audience who can be reached using LGBT print and Internet marketing resources. The findings derive from those who identify openly as gay or lesbian and read LGBT publications and/or websites, and/or belong to email lists. These results should not necessarily be extrapolated to the entire gay and lesbian population; however, these findings do provide guidance regarding the perceptions and opinions of “out” gays and lesbians who can be reached through LGBT websites and publications.
By using more than 75 local, regional and national media distributed throughout the United States, as well as our own survey pool amassed from more than 14 years of research of lesbians and gay men, we assured geographic distribution covered the entire nation. (37% of respondents to the Gay Consumer Index and 41% of those from the Lesbian Consumer Index live in non-coastal states.)
CMI chose not to weight the results of this survey, but instead to offer insight to specific questions based on age, gender and/or income. The decision to weight a national sample assumes that there is a reliable measure with which the sample can be weighted. There are, however no official government-provided data on sexual orientation (as there are for education, race, age, gender, and region, all provided by the U.S. Census Bureau). All available data is based on surveys, subject to a variety of sources of error, and therefore not suitable as a weighting target.
US Census data is misleading as it only considers same-sex couples living together in the same household who specified that the relationship between the first party and the second party on the survey form was "partner." Census data ignores all single lesbians and gay men, and couples who do not live together, and those who interpret their relationship as other than "partner" on a government form, therefore other available data (including the US Census) was used to determine that this study fairly represents US lesbians and gay men.
Analysis includes a review of the age distribution of respondents compared to the age distribution of men and women from the US Census. Respondents skewed toward the median age in both studies as disclosed in the reports. The survey samples of lesbians and gay men under age 25 and over age 65 are lower than the percentage of US residents in that age brackets. However, social issues may attribute to this. Because people come to the conclusion that they are gay or lesbian at different ages, it is understandable that the percentage of younger respondents would be lower than the US population as a whole. Seniors may have experienced different social taboos and therefore may be less likely to be “out”. In addition, especially among older gay men, the lower numbers could be partially contributed to the early years of the AIDS epidemic.
Dining Out
Fine Dining
Spending on Dining
Preference of Spirits
Preference of Vodka Brand
Internet Usage
Online Purchases
Online Banking
TV Networks Most Watched
Preference of Credit Card Brands
Frequency of Purchase
Criteria for Purchasing Vehicles
Last Tested

What Do Your Think Ladies ?

on Gay Issues

Democratic Debate for Gay Rights
Democratic presidential contenders faced pointed questions on gay marriage and the basis for sexual orientation in a forum that forced candidates to confront politically touchy issues that have vexed a nation.

Former Sen. John Edwards found himself discussing whether he is comfortable around gay people he said he is. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson appeared to struggle with a question about why people become gay or lesbian. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton ended up defending the record of her husband, former President Clinton, on gay rights.

Mitt Romney in the Cross-Hairs on the Eve of Ames Straw PollDems Tiptoe Around Issues in Gay ForumRADAR: Giuliani: 'I Have That Same Risk'Related Topics
Bill Richardson Democratic Party Human Rights Campaign
"We certainly didn't get as much done as I would have liked," the New York senator said. "But there was a lot of honest effort."

Six of the eight Democratic candidates answered questions Thursday on gay rights at the two-hour forum co-sponsored by the Human Rights Campaign, a gay-rights group active in Democratic politics, and Logo, a gay-oriented cable TV channel that aired the forum live. More At…

THANK YOU Melissa and Hillary

fit Me in

Fit me In
I wait for our meeting.
So I can tell you
what it really means to be a lesbian
and free you from the misconceptions
that hold you in place.
I won't waste a word,
I will speak true.
And if you hear me
I will no longer be blue.
Wide eyed:
Secrets shattered
Bliss lay in wait,
for you to see me,
Beyond, lay
permission for Myself.
A forgotten tide
washes me on shore.
And I beg for exceptance
from beyond a Secret Door.
Fit Me In.
I Wait.

the L Word

Marga Gomez : Mojitos and Labels

Marga Gomez

Lesbian Comedians
Lesbian Comedy
Check Out Her YouTube Channel at

the Lesbian Kiss

Lesbian Love

The Layers of Intimacy in Lesbian Love

She Said

“Well it’s OK that they are Lesbians”,
she said today to her new Christian Lover,
“its not LIKE they show affection in Public.”

This, of course burns me up because the HETs
can show affection in public
and somehow that’s not GROSS. WHAT ?

Now the woman who said this has spent her life
on drugs and alcohol to the depths of complete disperse,
she partook in crank, cigarettes and alcohol while pregnant.
Lost everything, and has had multiple partners
over the years, but stands in judgment of me because
I am a Lesbian.
The fact that I have made better choices
does not matter in the least.
My spiritual belief, my financial status, my education level,
my achievements do not matter in the least;
all that Illuminates is that I am a Lesbian.
So Hard to Help those who Hate Us
But WE do. No questions Asked

Hey Gals,

Note From The Webmaster

They beat us, they hate us, thye assume what
our “life of sin” is like and they do not take
the time to know “what really goes on”.

I am so glad you come to my Blog.
I hope to support lesbians everywhere with internet
marketing. My partner and I have a strong presence
in the Search Engines. I have lots of
Lesbian Websites but have resisted putting
my personality forth on my sites because the more
I see online of peoples journeys the harder it is for
me to sit here and have a voice. I tear at what some of you
go through and I find it easier to deny the words that
wish to burst forth on this page.

The hate I see for Gays and Lesbians, at time,
crushes my spirit, so I than must step outside of it.
I have always thought of myself as,
who I am spiritually, what I love to do,
who I love and I never labeled myself.
Just because I am a Lesbian seems to make folks
not care about all the other aspects of who I am when
the Lesbian label is a very small part
of everything that we all are.

The “bad” thing and the hate I see put out to the
Gay Community makes we want
to put my voice forward as a LESBIAN,
even though that is not the
dominant label of who I really am.

We all have hopes, dreams, love, compassion
and we are shown such ignorance more times than not.

I honor you all. Here at
we are sending the love out to you and yours
and hope that you find success,
true love and lots of laughter.

I hope to make this website
one of those places you can come to feel
and to encourage you to be true to YOU.

Thanks for coming here
Thanks for Coming OUT

Bring your Voice to the Internet
and Share YOU with Us.
Lesbians of All Ages
from every corner of the world are listening.
Have a Great Summer Gals
and When we see Each Other OUT there
traveling lets acknowledge and Be Kind.
We all need an Island of Kindness and Compassion
as we journey this Earth.

Gays in the Bible Belt Movie

This is very moving. I can totally relate to the way we are treated by those who do not take the time to really know. Many who are unhealthy, unproductive, and lead lives that are less than pridefull, as they sit and judge
our "Lifestyle" that "They" Assume we Lead.

Check This Out
The Buckle: Gays in the Bible Belt

How Are We Different ?
Is it in the way that YOU should not Matter
to you anyway ?

Melissa Ferrick

Melissa Ferrik

Support Lesbian Concerts and Musicians

Lesbian Independent Film

Sadie Benning

Sadie Benning began making videos at age sixteen when her father, experimental filmmaker James Benning, gave her a pixelvision camcorder for Christmas. The Pixelvision is a small, hand-held, black and white video-camera marketed for children by Fisher-Price in the late 1980s. The Pixelvision failed on the general market for the same reason it has been a hit with experimental filmmakers: grainy images, tinny sound, and a box frame. Benning's videos can be described in a variety of ways, including autobiography, ethnography, personal films, diary-films, and stories of coming-out. Thematically, her films consistently condemn homophobia, racism, and sexism while concerning themselves with the perspective of young people and women.Benning demonstrated an early ability to manipulate images and create sustained narratives. She culls from a wide variety of sources including television, magazines, newspapers and popular culture. Her recent work reflects many of the same themes she explored early on, yet also displays an increased ability and maturity as a filmmaker. Recent films include The Judy Spots (1995), which aired on MTV, and Flat is Beautiful (1998). Her work continues to attract attention and
is regularly screened at film festivals worldwide.


What mysterious force lay behind the teenage
grrrl's crudely drawn but strangely evocative masks?
Sadie Benning has been a cause celebre in the queer community for almost a decade. Born in 1973 to a filmmaker father and an artist mother, she began making short films at age 15 and two years later came out as a lesbian. An iconoclast even as a teen, she employed the infamous "Pixelvision" camera in most of her early work and continues to use it. For the uninitiated, Pixelvision was a "kiddie camcorder" from the late 1980s that sold for $100. Few kids bought them, but artists and filmmakers did, seeing fresh possibilities in the low-resolution format that gave everything an enticingly vague, "pixelated" look. (Rumor has it they now sell for as high as $1,000, though one appeared recently on the online auction house eBay for around $300.)
If her format was obscure, her subjects weren't. The early films are in the classic diaristic mode of experimental film: shot in her bedroom, starring an array of objects both culture-constructed (Barbie, natch) and self-constructed (masks). Her main subject was herself, coming to terms with a pervasive 1980s culture of junk TV and mindless consumerism and finding some kind of comfort level there as a budding dyke-artiste. In the early films, she appears as a fragmented character, floating elusively in and out of the frame. But Jollies, made when she was 17, shows her as an increasingly bold presence in her own work. In overdub she reads some lines describing her sexual awakening: "It started in 1978 when I was in kindergarten. They were twins and I was a tomboy. I always thought of real clever things to say, like I love you." A brief visual counterpoint to these words is the famous Diane Arbus shot of twin little girls.
The Judy Spots
Benning's manipulations of her material show a surprising complexity. In spite of her youth she was increasingly regarded as an important video artist, with frequent showings at film festivals and museums and a Rockefeller grant at 19. During an interview with The Advocate in 1990, she showed a strong political bent too: "My dad said to me, 'You know, I'm really worried that all your work is just going to be on one subject.' And I was like, 'Yeah, my life.' He makes [experimental] films. What are his films about? They're about his life. It just so happens that his sexuality isn't something that people are going to label or talk about or say, 'He's the heterosexual artist.'"
One can only wonder what Benning's father made of The Judy Spots, her five short films starring a grimly oppressed papier-mache teenager named Judy that were shown on MTV in 1998. It's hard not to see these brief works as autobiographical; in spite of their length, they have an intensity that could only have come from a sensibility that's studied our culture and come to some disturbing conclusions. In "Judy Feels Sad," Benning takes the admonition "You shouldn't cry in public" to hilariously dark extremes, as her pitiful moaning puppet unravels emotionally before our eyes, complete with cut-out teardrops on strings. "Judy Hates Her Job" shows the impossibility of reconciling society's demands for programmed behavior with Judy's desire to be herself, marked by her stuck-record screams of "I'm a people person!"
Benning's integration of drawing, masks, and video with a sure sense of how the consumer world impinges on, indeed overwhelms, the inner life is brilliantly played out in Flat Is Beautiful (1998), her most ambitious work to date. This 56-minute featurette shot partly in Pixelvision (interiors) and partly in Super 8 (exteriors) again has the feeling of autobiography. The story traces the life of latchkey kid Taylor (Sammy Steel), a 12-year-old girl living with her mother and a gay roommate. (Watch for a playful hardcore interlude between the roommate and the mailman.) Here Benning takes a potentially fatal artistic risk in having her actors wear crudely drawn masks throughout, but this not only doesn't detract from the story but gives it enormous force as her characters' authentic feelings and desires continuously strain to break through these rigid, unforgiving, literally constructed identities.

Lesbian Independent Film

Lesbian Soap Opera

God-dess and She

God-des and She
Support Lesbian Musicians Folks
these Gals are Awesome
"Well, we're going to pack up our Uhaul and move to the city of dreams!" And move they did. In March of 2004 they packed up their lives in Madison, Wisconsin and moved to Brooklyn, New York. In little more than a year, they have taken New York City by storm. They have played sold out shows at the famed Knitting Factory, opened up for MC LYTE and Slick Rick, performed at the Supper Club for the Showtime / GO NYC magazine L WORD party, and performed countless other high profile gigs. These women are magnetic on stage, lighting up the faces of the audience every time!

GOD-DES has been rhyming for over 10 years. She started out as a percussionist-Yep, a marching band geek turned rapper. Does it get any better than that? She spent her school bus rides home rapping for her friends: a natural performer from the start. She is also an "out" gay-Ya'll ever heard of a white dyke Jewish rapper from Wisconsin? Didn't think so!!!

SHE can sing her ass off! Adding a layer rarely heard in Hip Hop today, SHE's contribution elevates the music to a whole new level. Their chemistry on and off stage is undeniable! You never heard a white girl have so much soul.

Lick It ~ on The L Word

Celebrating Jennifer Beals

The L word, Jennifer Beals

Jennifer Beals

the L word Jennifer and the Senator
oh I mean Bette

Bette and Candace



Ellen Coming Out News Video Clip

Julie Goldman

Julie Goldman Out Lesbian Comedian
and VERY FUNNY I might add
I caught her show on Comedy Central and
its pretty funny on lesbian life, right on funny
Lesbian comedian/actress Julie Goldman

Billed as "a lesbian folk-rock sensation," Goldman uses Indigo Etheridge -- a bandana, leather chaps-wearing dyke who sings about everything from strap-ons to sluts -- to playfully parody the lesbian music scene. Goldman has even released an Indigo Etheridge album, entitled "Co-Dependent Obsessive Love Ain't So Bad, So Leave The Window Open." Songs on the release include the anthem "I Go Down" and "Monogamous Slut," the music video for which has been shown at film festivals all over the country.

A little Bit Comedy, a Little Bit Rock and Roll“Kick-Ass Comedian” NY Press, Julie Goldman will be appearing on television. AGAIN. After her successful stints as Co-Writer and Hostess of THE BIG GAY VIDEO SHOWon FUSE and Co-Writing and Hosting the very first GAY FOR A DAY on FUSE’s live Daily show, IMX. FUSE brought Julie in to cover some of the RNC, as a field reporter on their new Daily show
Julie, If your Looking is for Sale
take it from them
you have the right....

Videos of Julie Golman

Lesbian Comedy

Julie Goldman Commitment Ceremony Video

Full Frontal Video

Lesbian Comedians

Estate Planning

lesbian estate planning

AB 205

As of January 1, 2005, registered domestic partners in California are provided with most of the rights and responsibilities of married couples under California law. However, even after the new law goes into effect, registered domestic partners still will not have any of the 1,138 rights and benefits of married couples under federal law. And they also still will have less security than married couples when they travel or move outside of California.

From that date forward, "registered domestic partners shall have the same rights, protections, and benefits, and shall be subject to the same responsibilities, obligations, and duties under [California state] law, whether they derive from statutes, administrative regulations, court rules, government policies, common law, or any other provisions or sources of law, as are granted to and imposed upon spouses." California Family Code § 297.5(a). Registered domestic partners still will be denied all of the 1,138 federal rights and responsibilities that are conferred on different-sex spouses and still will have less security than heterosexual married couples if they travel or move out of state.

Those parties who have already registered as domestic partners and those who are considering registration should be aware of the following points:

Other States or the Federal Government May Not Recognize Domestic Partnership Status. As noted above, there are 1,138 federal rights and protections that are given only to legally married spouses. Accordingly, the federal government will not respect your domestic partnership because domestic partnership is not marriage. This is one of the reasons that domestic partnership is not equal to marriage and does not provide adequate protection for domestic partners and their families. We are hopeful that other states will honor domestic partnerships. Depending on the law of each state, however, it is possible that public and private entities in other states will not respect domestic partnership status. In some states, where the law is extremely hostile to lesbian and gay couples, this is almost certain to be the case. For this reason, it is extremely important that you and your partner have trusts and/or wills, powers of attorney for finance, advance health care directives, and a written agreement about how you will divide your assets if you separate, and – for couples with children – that you obtain an adoption or parentage decree or take whatever other steps are available in your state to protect your children.

Termination of Domestic Partnership after January 1, 2005, May Require Divorce Proceedings. If you or your partner choose to terminate your domestic partnership, in most cases, you will be required to go through a court dissolution proceeding, just as most heterosexual married couples must do to terminate their marriage. There is a small subset of people who may be able to terminate their domestic partnership without court approval. You are only eligible to use this process if you and your partner meet all of the following requirements:
a. You have no children together, and neither of the domestic partners, to their knowledge, is pregnant;

b. You have been registered domestic partners for five years or less;
c. Neither party has any interest in real property, in California or elsewhere, except in the lease of the residence where either of you lives (as long as the lease does not include an option to purchase and ends within one year from the date that you file the Notice of Termination of Domestic Partnership);

d. You and your partner do not have any debts (excluding automobile debts) that either or both of you incurred after you registered as domestic partners totaling more than approximately $6,500;

e. You and your partner do not have assets (excluding automobiles and encumbrances) totaling more than approximately $30,000 and you and your partner have executed an agreement that lists how the assets and/or debts will be divided;

f. Both you and your partner have executed an agreement setting forth how you are going to divide your assets and the assumptions of liabilities of the community property, and have executed any documents, title certificates, bills of sale, or other evidence of transfer necessary to effectuate the agreement;

g. Both you and your partner waive any rights to support from the other;
h. Both you and your partner have read and understood a brochure prepared by the Secretary of State describing the requirements for terminating a domestic partnership; and
i. Both you and your partner desire the domestic partnership to be terminated.
Possible Negative Affect on Immigration Status. You can register as domestic partners regardless of either partner’s immigration status. Unfortunately, however, doing so will not allow you to sponsor your partner for permanent residence. In addition, for some non-U.S. citizens, registering as a domestic partner might be used as evidence of an intent to stay in the U.S. on a permanent basis, which can be a problem for people who are here on non-immigrant visas. Generally speaking, if you are not a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident, you should consult an immigration attorney before registering as a domestic partner.

Responsibility for Debts. You are responsible for any debts incurred by your partner from the date you first registered as domestic partners with the State of California. For example, if you and your partner registered as domestic partners on February 1, 2001 and your partner incurred $10,000 of debt between February 1, 2001 and February 1, 2005, you are equally responsible for the $10,000 of debt -- even if you later dissolve the partnership. If your partner dies, you are fully responsible for her/his debts.

If you and your partner do not want to be jointly responsible for each others’ debts and assets, you can draw up a property agreement (similar to a prenuptial if drawn up prior to registration or a postnuptial if drawn up after registration) to define how your assets are divided in a manner other than how state law would divide them. Any such agreement must meet the requirements for a valid prenuptial or postnuptial agreement to be enforceable. Note, however, that it is not possible to create a contract that dissolves your responsibility to pay child support upon dissolution.

Effect on Income. After January 1, 2005, 50% of all of the wages that you earn -- or have earned from the date that you first registered your domestic partnership -- are considered to be your domestic partner’s property. In contrast, any money or property that you inherit or are gifted after the date you first registered as domestic partners will not be considered “community property” and your partner will not be entitled to any portion of it so long as it is kept separate and not commingled.

Potential Gift Tax Liability. Even after the new law goes into effect, domestic partners will not be entitled to all of the same tax protections given to married couples. While most state tax laws will apply equally, federal tax laws will not. So, for example, federal tax laws allow married spouses to transfer unlimited amounts of property between themselves, without any tax penalty. However, because domestic partnerships are not marriages, these rules of unlimited transfers may not apply to transfers between registered domestic partners. Thus, a transfer of over $12,000 in any given year may be considered a “gift” and taxed as a gift. For example, if a wife owns a beach house and transfers the title to her husband, the property is not taxed. However, if one domestic partner owns a beach house and transfers the title to his or her partner, the value of the property, over $12,000 might be taxed as a gift by the federal government.
Income Tax Filing Status. California enacted SB 1827 as law, beginning January 1, 2007, which requires registered domestic partners to use the same filing status as married couples. Beginning with their 2007 tax returns, most registered domestic partners will use either married filing joint or married filing separate filing status (applying the same rules applicable to spouses). Federal law does not recognize registered domestic partners. Registered domestic partners will remain individual filers for federal purposes. Where preparation of a California return relies on a federal return or federal law, registered domestic partners may need to perform special calculations to arrive at the proper California tax.
Property Settlement Upon Dissolution of Partnership. As noted above, a dissolution of domestic partnership will be treated the same as it is for married couples who are divorcing. A judge will oversee the dissolution to make sure that there is a fair division of property between the two domestic partners. For example, if one partner has been working while the other has been the primary care giver for children, the court will divide the total partnership assets evenly between the two partners, even if the primary care giver did not earn any income. In dividing your assets, a court will take into account the provisions of any property agreements.
To make matters worse, because the federal government currently does not recognize registered domestic partnerships for any federal purpose, and because federal tax laws give special protections to married couples that are not available to unmarried couples, it is possible that transfers of assets greater than $121,000 between domestic partners will be taxed either as income or as a gift by the federal government, even if the transfer is part of or related to a dissolution proceeding. By way of contrast, transfers between spouses during a marriage or as part of a divorce proceeding are not taxable events.
Effect on Public Assistance. It is likely, although not absolutely certain, that your registered domestic partner’s income will be taken into account when calculating your eligibility for some public assistance benefits, such as Medi-Cal or food stamps, just as a spouse’s income is taken into account when a married person applies for benefits. Therefore, it is possible that your eligibility for some forms of public assistance will be negatively impacted by the new law. If you are or believe you may be receiving public benefits, the Law Offices of Afshin A. Asher, Inc. strongly encourages you to contact the specific program administrator to find out more information. Generally speaking, people who are receiving public assistance should be very cautious about registering as domestic partners, because in many instances there is a great likelihood that you will lose your benefits.
more information at

Be Bold Gals

Its so Sexy to be
True to ourself
isn't it

Age Difference

a Celebration of Our Right to choose
the age difference of our lovers
without judgement

Love Who you Want to Love Ladies
and be Proud of it

Lesbian Teen News

Did you hear about the Lesbian teen in Oregon that was kicked off a bus for kissing another girl. oh my...just think about the things we have to endure on public transportation and somebody does not like a kiss. Apparantley Tri-Met apologized, but the thing is we have to deal with this everyday.. Hets kissing, touching and all manner of public display and
we "gross them out" kissing in public. Hmmmm..
Lets follow this store and make sure it does not happen again. Stay in touch with this story gals and email us other news in your area according to you at

The girl was put in an "unsafe" situation, like a pack of wolves, if people disagree or disapprove in packs than people get hurt. I have seen it. My friend had to have her jaw wired after she was beaten by a group of guys while their gals watched. They waited for her to leave her group and go to her car. They had convinced each other they would teach her a lesson. If the bus driver condones this public disapproval it will certainly prompt negative actions on the riders that the group on the bus deem an inappropriate passenger.
Speak Out Gals... Its Time...

Ellen we Love You

Ellen Video of Love
Song by Melissa

Celebrating Lesbian Love
Ellen Style

Tacoma Washington Mortgage

Out and Proud Lesbian Mortgage Consultant
Tacoma Washington


Home Mortgage Consultant
Office: (253) 538-2337
Contact Me

11205 Pacific Avenue
Tacoma, WA 98444

Letter to Rosie

Letter to Rosie,

Rosie, Thank You from All Out Lesbians

We are Women who care about the World. We care about innocents dying in disturbing way for uncertain reasons. You Rosie, a Lesbian, A “Systems Buster” have put it ALL ON NATIONAL TELEVISION. You have brought the VIEWS to the Public to Really Pick a Side, no more fence riding. Rosie you have awakened a sleeping giant and gave a jump start to the heart of America. We Thank You, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know the path you embarked on with Speaking your Truth, and I know that negative energy will be constantly sent your way. Surround yourself with white light Rosie, you are in our prayers.

Your words of Truth, things for People to Consider, making people examine the facts and shaking up the foundation of the followers who stand a million people back in line and never know who it is they are really following. Rosie, I honor you and hope you will have fun this summer with your family. Your Truth is Right ON !!
Walk Proud and know that Zillions of Us out HERE. SUPPORT YOU !!!!

Lesbians, send Rosie Love and Light, her position is one that will get a lot of energy thrown at her. Our prayers, our thoughts, our positive energy her way will help her to cast off the negativity being thrown at her. There is a powerful energy that would like to “Shut Her Up”. Rosie inspires me to honor my VOICE, with tearful grace I say thank you so much Rosie, I am even prouder to be a Lesbian and want you to know what YOU truly mean to all of us. You are the dynamite that has blown open the path for the rest of us to follow. It is not easy speaking your truth, and it is not something that we are often appreciate for. We at appreciate you and encourage you to keep your voice free, We are Listening.

Dinah Shore Weekend

Dinah Shore Weekend

Palm Springs California Weekend Getaway

Attorney, Estate Planning and Wills

Compassionately meeting complex
and often Emotionally charged client issues.
Rebecca D. Lizarraga Member

Email: Rebecca
Practice Areas: Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility; Professional Malpractice; Judicial Defense; Attorney Discipline; Employee Discipline; Civil Service; Administrative Hearings and Appeals; Appellate Practice; Public Employee Retirement; Employer Intentional Torts; Retaliatory Discharge; Domestic Partnerships; Non-Traditional Family Law; Probate; Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts.
Admitted: 2003, California; U.S. District Court,
Northern, Eastern, Southern and Central Districts of California
Law School: Southwestern University, J.D., 2002
College: California State University, Northridge, B.A., Psychology, 1992
Member: Los Angeles County, American, Latina Lawyers, Mexican American and Beverly Hills Bar Associations; State Bar of California; Association of Southern California Defense Counsel.
Biography: Member: Southwestern Journal of Law and Trade in the Americas, 2001-2002; Moot Court Honors Program, 2000-2001. President, Latino Law Students Association, 2000-2001. Community Affairs Commissioner, 2000-2001. Recipient: CALI Excellence for the Future Awards in Torts II, Legal Research & Writing II, and Civil Rights and Civil Liberties; Exceptional Achievement Award, Constitutional Law Seminar; Community Service Award, 2000; Schumacher Minority Leadership Scholarship; Mexican American Bar Foundation's Hon. Manuel Martinez Memorial Scholarship and Public Interest 2000 Summer Grant. Summer Law Clerk, Protection & Advocacy, Inc., 2000. Judicial Extern, Honorable Edward Rafeedie, Senior U.S. District Judge, Central District, August 2001-December 2001. Associate Robie & Matthai APC, June 2003-May 2006 - Practice centered on judicial, attorney and legal malpractice defense; complex litigation; insurance coverage disputes and appellate work before the California Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and California Supreme Court.
Reported Cases: Estate of Spirtos v. One San Bernardino County Suprior Court Case Numbered SPR 02211, 443 F.3d 1172 (9th Cir. 2006); Mercury Insurance Company v. Allstate Insurance Company (2005) 123 Cal. App. 4th 1392.
In support of Professional Lesbians we Provide this Listing

Lesbian Adoption and Law

Featured Attorney
Lesbian Adoption and Family Law

Sue Dell works as a Court Panel Attorney specializing in Adoption, Juvenile Dependency, and Legal Guardianship at Edelman Children's Court in Monterey Park. She maintains a private practice in those fields also, as well as handling simple Divorces, Probate Guardianships, Restraining Orders, and Paralegal Services. Sue is also a Certified Mediator. Sue has a passion for helping kids develop and maintain meaningful family relationships.Sue's practice in Adoption includes personalized legal services for families-to-be, including "Step-Parent" adoptions, Foster Parent Adoption Finalizations, and Independent Agency or Private Birth Parent adoptions, both domestically and internationally.A native of Los Angeles, Sue Dell graduated with high honors from UCLA with a degree in Sociology, a minor in Women's Studies, and an emphasis in Psychology. She graduated from Loyola Law School, serving as the Senior Editor of the International and Comparative Law Journal and as an Officer in Student Bar Associations.Attorney Dell works as an elected Board Member of the Juvenile Court Bar Association. Sue has a great rapport with children and has a good sense of humor. Ms. Dell has a unique, caring and funny way of being completely and totally direct. She has also served on the Board of Governors for the California Lawyers for Human Rights and was appointed to the Sexual Orientation Bias Committee of the Los Angeles County Bar Association.Paralegal Yolanda Butler brings to the firm over 18 years of legal and practical experience working with families. Yolanda enjoys helping families, whether during their most challenging times of divorcing or resolving custody issues, or expanding their families in joy with adoptions. Compassionate, patient, warm, and responsive, Yolanda looks forward to helping meet your legal needs.Sue is motivated, organized, and conscientious. She is sincere, as well as both sensitive and responsive to client needs. She is a blond by birth but, due to aging, is now a blond by choice. Her legal practice centers on the legal and emotional needs of families of all kinds.

Sue P. Dell, Esq.Law Office of Sue DellP. O.
Box 762Tujunga CA 91043-0762818/951-3578
Fax: 818/951-9010E-mail: Sue Dell

Remember Gals
Support Lesbian Owned and Operated Businesses
and Lesbian Professionals.

Being Out

Commentary from Webmaster
Do you gals find that with all the media on Lesbians these days that it is easier to be OUT? I do not find it easier at all. I still am looked at as a second class citizen. I am still not taken serious with comments I make on things I know about if there is a straight person in the room talking about the same thing. I am a real estate Broker and for years the local agents brought me OUT to clients to get the client to work with them. I was not in the closet, I was simply doing my job and never made being a lesbian a factor, but the competition did. And in rural America it apparantley is still quite taboo to be a Professional Lesbian.
Anyway, just venting a bit of steam. It just seems to me that in today's media climate we seem to be getting more attention that makes being a lesbian more mainstream, I guess as long as it does not involve their town, coworkers or relatives than acceptance is on the rise.

Elsa Gidlow

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Marcelina Martin

Promote the Sacredness of being a Woman

Check out This gal's website, her pictures are awesome, her philosophy has depth and gratitude, she is a an authentic woman sharing her knowledge and experience on the web. I envy her ability to be free with her words and photos and they seem to show no fear of a societal eye. I love her passion for the life of Elsa Gidlow, it is an honor that a woman of such depth and true clarity met Elsa and can share a piece of her with us out here in cyberspace craving sensuality, truth, honor, and the sacred realm of loving women. Thank you Marcelina Martin for Being !!

Check Out her Website at

Women Artist

Photography, Retreat, Online Photography Course, Writing and Imagery

I nestle into the body of our Sacred Earth
The wisdom of marsh and sand enters me
I swim silently throughthe dark
and winding waters of the Ogeechee
The sky opens to reveal a universe without time
All this in one moment of touching your body
All this in one moment of breathing
your breathSuddenly drenched by the Divine
Marcelina Martin, 1994

The dominant view of sexuality in our society is anti-erotic. We are constantly overwhelmed by images that reinforce how the physical has been separated from the psychic, emotional, and spiritual connection. Our sense of the grace of sexuality becomes lost.
Restoring the erotic as wholesome is difficult because it has been distorted through power-over interactions, violence as sex, and lust without reverence. To experience dynamic relatedness and to integrate one's sexuality and spirituality are huge contributions to the evolution of life-affirming consciousness......

Marcelina speaks of her art this way:
My art evolved from the observation that America is primarily a visually oriented culture. The way we perceive reality is influenced by a complex range of imagery. Heroes and myths are intricately woven into our psyches. Our ideas of individual identity, social place, and interrelatedness coalesce from this matrix of images. Some of the most adverse effects of this visual information are submerged in the unconscious, leaving many of us adrift, unaware that we are in its undertow. Particularly I looked at how women are specially vulnerable to manipulation through imagery due to the degree of sexism in our culture. Over thousands of years, our experiences of authentic womanhood have been erased from the public domain and replaced by fabrications designed for exploitation. Even if we consciously reject negative images, their power can influence us subconsciously unless we change them at a deep level. If not brought to light and examined, our images evolve into private and eventually public myths and standards. Images we hold are the foundation for the content and action of our lives. Through inquiry into our inner imagery, we can expose outdated myths, produce life-affirming images, and cultivate a dynamic vision of wholeness. In consciously creating our imagery and mythologies, we affect our political, economic, and social attitudes which inspire change first in our inner world then eventually our outer world. From this philosophical base, I created Photomythology, creating images from the myths of our lives with an intention of integrating the fragments into a whole, dynamic vision of ourselves.The roots of art are in shamanism. The shaman was a healer in her/his community that worked with the individual and collective psyche through art. Today we see the horror, violence, conflict and negativity all around us. Many artists work directly with this knowledge of the power of imagery. This is the focus and drive behind my art. My journey is to create life-affirming, positive images, to create beauty and harmony , to focus on transformation into wholeness . My dear friend poet Elsa Gidlow believed that we are all artists, and definitely there are cultures like Bali where most people express themselves through art. I do not believe that we are all artists. I do believe we can all live life through our creativity; however, I believe the artist is called to art with a compelling force that draws her/his creativity into existence. There is no choice but to create.I passionately believe in art as a healing force and that art arises from well-being or from the innate force within all life to move towards wholeness. Ms.Martin's photography has been published in numerous periodicals such as The Great Speckled Bird, Frontiers, Heresies, Southern Exposure, Woman of Power, Sage Woman, The Advocate, On Our Backs, Motive Magazine, Calyx. Her work has been included in such books as: Southern Ethic, Women See Woman, Our Right To Love, Womanspirit: A Guide to Women's Wisdom, Women & Aging, Elsa: I Come With My Songs, Blue Calendar, The Womanspirit Sourcebook, The Once and Future Goddess, The Heart of the Goddess, Dear Sappho: Legacy of Lesbian Love Letters, Rebels, Rubyfruit and Rhinestones, The Box: Remembering the Gift , Women Artists of the American West and The Lesbian Sex Book. Her most recent project has been a book Literary Guide to Flannery O'Connor's South with Dr. Sarah Gordon for University of Georgia Press to be published in 2007. Her prints have been exhibited in Australia, Germany, Denmark, and throughout the United States. Ms. Martin's work is included in the Women's History Archives Collection at Harvard University and Brown University. Her images are also being used in courses at Columbia University, University of New Mexico, California Institute of Integral Studies, and Purdue University. From 1991-2001 she resided in the Southwest and New England. In 2001 Marcelina moved back to Milledgeville, Georgia to be close to her family.
A Multimedia Show of the book," Lesbian Sacred Sexuality" has been completed and is for sale in the store. Marcelina is also working on a second book "In The Blaze of Love". For more information on Marcelina's photography or her tutorials E-mail her at


Marcelina Martin

Melissa Store Melissa Etheridge Store
we at Out Lesbian honor Melissa for the path she has opened for us

Melissa Etheridge Music

Melissa Etheridge CD

Melissa Etheridge Books

Melissa Etheridge DVD's


Melissa plays a song on this,
It is awesome and heart moving

Melissa sings on this
and she won an Oscar
as most of you already know.