Check out This gal's website, her pictures are awesome, her philosophy has depth and gratitude, she is a an authentic woman sharing her knowledge and experience on the web. I envy her ability to be free with her words and photos and they seem to show no fear of a societal eye. I love her passion for the life of Elsa Gidlow, it is an honor that a woman of such depth and true clarity met Elsa and can share a piece of her with us out here in cyberspace craving sensuality, truth, honor, and the sacred realm of loving women. Thank you Marcelina Martin for Being !!
Women Artist
Photography, Retreat, Online Photography Course, Writing and Imagery
I nestle into the body of our Sacred Earth
The wisdom of marsh and sand enters me
I swim silently throughthe dark
and winding waters of the Ogeechee
The sky opens to reveal a universe without time
All this in one moment of touching your body
All this in one moment of breathing
your breathSuddenly drenched by the Divine
Marcelina Martin, 1994
The dominant view of sexuality in our society is anti-erotic. We are constantly overwhelmed by images that reinforce how the physical has been separated from the psychic, emotional, and spiritual connection. Our sense of the grace of sexuality becomes lost.
Restoring the erotic as wholesome is difficult because it has been distorted through power-over interactions, violence as sex, and lust without reverence. To experience dynamic relatedness and to integrate one's sexuality and spirituality are huge contributions to the evolution of life-affirming consciousness......
Read More at www.WildHeartsRanch.com
Marcelina speaks of her art this way:
My art evolved from the observation that America is primarily a visually oriented culture. The way we perceive reality is influenced by a complex range of imagery. Heroes and myths are intricately woven into our psyches. Our ideas of individual identity, social place, and interrelatedness coalesce from this matrix of images. Some of the most adverse effects of this visual information are submerged in the unconscious, leaving many of us adrift, unaware that we are in its undertow. Particularly I looked at how women are specially vulnerable to manipulation through imagery due to the degree of sexism in our culture. Over thousands of years, our experiences of authentic womanhood have been erased from the public domain and replaced by fabrications designed for exploitation. Even if we consciously reject negative images, their power can influence us subconsciously unless we change them at a deep level. If not brought to light and examined, our images evolve into private and eventually public myths and standards. Images we hold are the foundation for the content and action of our lives. Through inquiry into our inner imagery, we can expose outdated myths, produce life-affirming images, and cultivate a dynamic vision of wholeness. In consciously creating our imagery and mythologies, we affect our political, economic, and social attitudes which inspire change first in our inner world then eventually our outer world. From this philosophical base, I created Photomythology, creating images from the myths of our lives with an intention of integrating the fragments into a whole, dynamic vision of ourselves.The roots of art are in shamanism. The shaman was a healer in her/his community that worked with the individual and collective psyche through art. Today we see the horror, violence, conflict and negativity all around us. Many artists work directly with this knowledge of the power of imagery. This is the focus and drive behind my art. My journey is to create life-affirming, positive images, to create beauty and harmony , to focus on transformation into wholeness . My dear friend poet Elsa Gidlow believed that we are all artists, and definitely there are cultures like Bali where most people express themselves through art. I do not believe that we are all artists. I do believe we can all live life through our creativity; however, I believe the artist is called to art with a compelling force that draws her/his creativity into existence. There is no choice but to create.I passionately believe in art as a healing force and that art arises from well-being or from the innate force within all life to move towards wholeness. Ms.Martin's photography has been published in numerous periodicals such as The Great Speckled Bird, Frontiers, Heresies, Southern Exposure, Woman of Power, Sage Woman, The Advocate, On Our Backs, Motive Magazine, Calyx. Her work has been included in such books as: Southern Ethic, Women See Woman, Our Right To Love, Womanspirit: A Guide to Women's Wisdom, Women & Aging, Elsa: I Come With My Songs, Blue Calendar, The Womanspirit Sourcebook, The Once and Future Goddess, The Heart of the Goddess, Dear Sappho: Legacy of Lesbian Love Letters, Rebels, Rubyfruit and Rhinestones, The Box: Remembering the Gift , Women Artists of the American West and The Lesbian Sex Book. Her most recent project has been a book Literary Guide to Flannery O'Connor's South with Dr. Sarah Gordon for University of Georgia Press to be published in 2007. Her prints have been exhibited in Australia, Germany, Denmark, and throughout the United States. Ms. Martin's work is included in the Women's History Archives Collection at Harvard University and Brown University. Her images are also being used in courses at Columbia University, University of New Mexico, California Institute of Integral Studies, and Purdue University. From 1991-2001 she resided in the Southwest and New England. In 2001 Marcelina moved back to Milledgeville, Georgia to be close to her family.
A Multimedia Show of the book," Lesbian Sacred Sexuality" has been completed and is for sale in the store. Marcelina is also working on a second book "In The Blaze of Love". For more information on Marcelina's photography or her tutorials E-mail her at taoscowgirls@yahoo.com
Marcelina Martin
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