Bob Knoke, of Mission Viejo, Amanda Stanfield, of Monrovia, Jim Domen,
of Yorba Linda, and J.D. Gaddis, of Yorba Linda,
celebrate returns for Proposition 8 at an Irvine hotel.
Now These are Some Happy Folks.
Hate Makes Them Happy, WHY?
Never Will I understand How Keeping Me from Being Married as You Can affects your personal life. With the Heterosexual Couples, the Multiple Marrying Couples (Mormons) and the Faith Be Stronger and somehow restored by keeping me from marrying. I am still just as married as you are but without the government benefits you get, without basic human righs of visiting my spouse easily in the hospital - your VOTE is not changing our moral choices and can NEVER change who we are, Your Vote only puts your Hate on your Sleeve for ALL to See.Well At least the Conservatives Did Not Lose Everything on Election Nite..
Most Gay and Lesbians will simply and peacefully return to the lives and wait to stand up again when the time comes. However, the folks - the Mormon Money - and all those who rose up to Stop Loving Couples in California from Marrying - I ask you, will this really make your life better? How Could it Possibly?
My Love is NOT a Contract it is a Committment, STOP saying you approve of 2 adults having a Contract, I don't approve of a large percentage of Heterosexual Couples - of Loveless and abusive marriage - of WEAK domestic violence laws - of pregnant teen - of smoking while pregnant BUT I don't see any laws to assist with any of this.
Only a Law to Keep me In my place and try and save the supposed spiritual sould of which Do unto Others as you would have be done upon you is apparently of NO Use. Seems to me it is a chance to pick and choose which parts of the bible and your intrepretation of this parts that you ENFORCE onto the rest of us with really NO right to do so. We cannot come into your home and change what we Do Not approve of YET you in your almighty Right believe you have that Right over Us.
Attention: All of you OUT Lesbians, We at OutLesbian.com wish to say we are Sorry For Your Loss on Proposition 8 and we are glad that you are out and proud, tell your story online, share your wonderful words - your beautiful life with all of us. Share your Art - Your Photos and your love for your Wife with all of us in your Online Lesbian Community - WE Love You - We support You and We Stand Here with you.
Please Do Not let this defeat take your Light down one knotch, you are wonderful - bright - gorgeous Lesbian Women loving other awesome - beautiful - brilliant Lesbian women. Keep on doing what your doing and don't let THEIR vote define one moment of your life. Share with us your obstacles, your issues.
Idea: Lets Start a Group, a MASSIVE group to get Group Insurance for Lesbians and once and for all overcome the issue of a Spouse not being insured for whatever ignorant reason should come up.
Let's hit each issue the Lesbian community faces with Numbers, Millions and Millions of Us online networking - creating - supporting each other and Creating Solutions BETTER then ANY government could EVER created for Us...
Take Care OUT theres.
We Love YOU !!1
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