why Do You care What I do in my Own Home ?

Why Spend Millions to Fight to STOP me from Marrying the Person of My Choice ? How Could this Possibly be of Concern to you. I am A Lesbian, regardless of how much money you throw at Politics, regardless of if YOU allow me to Marry or NOT, Still I am a Lesbian, Still You do NOT approve, Still I do NOT understand.
Lesbian Rights
Some Folks Say that it Matters More to Them
MORE about My Ethics - MY Morals
and what they Think this Should Be Should Be
than Financial - Economic Concerns in there Own Life.
Why Does What Happens Behind My Closed Doors
Matter to you more then what happens behind yours.
Why is there NOT more and BETTER laws
to Protect Domestic Violence Victims among Straight People
and why NOT better laws to protect child molestation videos
and other horrific things that happen.. WHY spend So much Money
to STOP love and committment?
lesbian rights
It Makes Absolutely No Sense
It is NOT of Compassion, Not of Integrity,
Not of Do on to Others as you Would have be Done.
There is No Sensible
Reason For You To Judge Me.

There is NO Logical Reason..
Why Do You WASTE your Time Hating Me?
Haven't you Got More important things to Do In Your Life?
lesbian marriage

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