It’s the question we hear from straight people, gay men, and even lesbians who are just coming out: What is it that lesbians do in bed, anyway?
If you believe straight-male porn, we rub our impossibly large breasts on each other, run our long polished nails through our bleach-blond hair, and strike seductive poses while we wait for a man and his penis to arrive.I
f you believe the myths about lesbian bed death, we lounge around in matching tie-dye t-shirts, eating granola and petting our dozens of cats until it’s time for the next folk music concert.
And if you believe the slang terms used to denigrate us, it’s all about oral sex (we’re muff divers and carpet munchers) or about wanting to be as masculine as possible (diesel dykes, bulldaggers).
...The largest group — 98 percent — reported sex involving some sort of vaginal penetration, while 97 percent said they “rubbed genitals” with female partners and 94 percent reported oral sex.Still, stereotypes about what lesbians “do” persist, and they often contradict each other...
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